Acetone/Thinner is a good solvent for many plastics and some synthetic fibers. It is used for
thinning Unsaturated polyester resin, cleaning tools used with it, and dissolving twopart epoxies and superglue before they harden.
It is used as one of the volatile components of some paints and varnishes. As a heavy-duty
degreaser, it is useful in the preparation of metal prior to painting. It is also useful for high
reliability soldering applications to remove rosin flux after soldering is complete; this helps to prevent
the rusty bolt effect.
Acetone/Thinner is used as a solvent by the pharmaceutical industry and as
a denaturant in denatured alcohol. Acetone is also present as an excipient in some pharmaceutical
Although itself flammable, acetone/Thinner is used extensively as a solvent for the safe
transportation and storage of acetylene, which cannot be safely pressurized as a pure compound.
Vessels containing a porous material are first filled with acetone followed by acetylene, which
dissolves into the acetone. One liter of acetone can dissolve around 250 liters of acetylene at a
pressure of 10 bar.
Domestic and other uses
Acetone/Thinner is often the primary component in cleaning agents such as nail polish remover.
Acetone is a component of superglue remover and easily removes residues from glass and
Acetone is often used for vapor polishing of printing artifacts on 3D-printed models printed with ABS
plastic. The technique, called acetone vapor bath smoothing, involves placing the printed part in a
sealed chamber containing a small amount of acetone, and heating to around 80 degrees Celsius for
10 minutes.
This creates a vapor of acetone in the container. The acetone condenses evenly all over the part,
causing the surface to soften and liquefy. Surface tension then smooths the semi-liquid plastic.
When the part is removed from the chamber, the acetone component evaporates leaving a glassysmooth part free of striation, patterning, and visible layer edges, common features in untreated 3D
printed parts.